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Introduction of Domestic Ferro Manganese


           Ferro manganese: A kind of alloy composed of iron and manganese. Main categories: high-carbon ferromanganese (carbon 7%), medium carbon ferromanganese (carbon 1.0 ~ 1.5%), low carbon ferromanganese (carbon 0.5%), metal manganese, mirror iron, silicon-manganese alloy.
         In the steel, used as deoxidizer and alloy additives, is the largest amount of iron alloy. The general requirements of manganese ore containing is 40 to 50%, ferromanganese than greater than 7.Phosphorus and manganese ratio of less than 0.003. Before the smelting, the manganese carbonate should be roasted first, the powder must be sintered. Iron and phosphorus containing high ore can only be used in conjunction with, or by selective reduction of low iron and low phosphorus phosphorus-rich slag. Smelting with coke as a reducing agent, some plants are also equipped with lean coal or anthracite. Auxiliary raw materials mainly lime, smelting manganese silicon alloy generally with silica.